VORTEX Brought on lift version

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The parallel disc harrow with independent discs allows surface working both on no till soil and partially worked. The discs are disposed on two opposed orientation rows. Each disc has a watertight hub, independent with bearing. The elements are connected to the frame thanks to a cushioning system endowed with rubber buffers that absorb every vertical solicitations. On series, the equipment is supplied with a couple of lateral containment bands in order to obtain the best working plan as possible. On the rear the equipment can be provided with different type of rollers to complete the working and only with the 3 m version, on the front, it can be equipped with a decompactor (RAP) with anchors Michel H600.

vortex edp articolo

VORTEX Brought on lift version - Fixed frame version, brought on lift

  VTX 30 P VTX 35 P VTX 40 P
DISCS N. 22 26 29
WORK. WIDTH 3,00 3,50 4,00
TRANSP. WIDTH 3,15 3,60 4,10
DISC 560 560 560
HP 130/160 160/180 180/200
KG 1470 1690 1930

VORTEX Brought on lift version - Foldable frame version, brought on lift

  VTX I 40 P VTX I 50 P VTX I 60 P
DISCS N. 29 37 45
WORK. WIDTH 4,00 5,00 6,00
TRANSP. WIDTH 2,50 2,50 2,50
DISC 560 560 560
HP 180/210 220/260 280/340
KG 2580 3030 3620

VORTEX Versione portata

Accessories Front subsoiler with rigid anchors or Michel H600 for VTX30P

VORTEX Accessories Subsoiler

RAP 30 Front subsoiler with rigid anchors or Michel H600 for VTX30P


Accessories - VORTEX Brought on lift version

RG Cage roller
RA Single ring roller
RDA Double ring roller
CR Compact roll
ART Couple of breaking-soil anchors kit

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