Brought disc harrow
Brought disc harrow
Brought disc harrow
Brought and trailed disc harrow
Trailed disc harrow - Fixed frame - Light version
Trailed disc harrow
Fixed frame - Light version
Trailed disc harrow
Fixed frame - Medium version
Trailed disc harrow
Fixed frame - Heavy version
Trailed disc harrow
Monobeam - vertical hydraulic folding
Trailed disc harrow
Double beam - vertical hydraulic folding
Trailed disc harrow
Double beam - vertical hydraulic folding
Trailed disc harrow
Double beam - vertical hydraulic folding
Disc Harrow
Double beam - vertical hydraulic folding
Trailed plough disc fixed frame
Completely hydraulic
Trailed plough disc foldable frame
Completely hydraulic
Specialists for over 45 years in the production of innovative equipment for the minimum tillage and the conservative agriculture and for over 15 years specialists also in the seeding machines.
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